9 research outputs found

    Gerrhonotus parvus Knight & Scudday, 1985 (Squamata: Anguidae): New range extension and clutch size in the state of Nuevo Le贸n, Mexico

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    We report a female specimen of Gerrhonotus parvus that represents a new record for the municipality of Santa Catarina, Nuevo Le贸n, Mexico. This species was known previously from only three localities in the state: the municipalitiy of Galeana; the type locality, Los Rayones, where only one specimen was registered; and San Isidro Canyon in Santiago, which previously was the northernmost locality and where the largest number of specimens have been observed and collected. This new record extends the range of the species 48.2 km northeast of the nearest known locality in Santiago. In addition, the specimen laid six eggs, which is the largest clucth documented so far. The type locality is located in a transition zone between pine forest (Pinus arizonica) and open gypsophilous scrub. However, the nature of the microhabitats at the other localities, including the northernmost one reported here, suggests that the species has a preference for dry limestone canyons

    Las serpientes venenosas del noreste de M茅xico I.Cantil de Taylor (Agkistrodon Taylori).

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    Este art铆culo compila informaci贸n sobre diferentes aspectos de la biolog铆a del cantil de Taylor (Agkistrodon taylori), un cr贸talo end茅mico de M茅xico que puede encontrarse en los estados de Hidalgo, Nuevo Le贸n, San Luis Potos铆, Tamaulipas y Veracruz, donde habita en matorral submontano y bosque tropical subcaducifolio. Espec铆ficamente, este art铆culo trata sobre su descripci贸n morfol贸gica, historia taxon贸mica, distribuci贸n, h谩bitat, comportamiento, dieta, reproducci贸n, veneno y conservaci贸n

    Las serpientes venenosas del noreste de M茅xico II. Casacbel diamantada occidental (crotalus atrox).

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    Este art铆culo compila informaci贸n sobre diferentes aspectos de la biolog铆a de la cascabel diamantada occidental (Crotalus atrox), un cr贸talo norteamericano que puede encontrarse en EE. UU. y M茅xico. Espec铆ficamente, este art铆culo trata sobre su descripci贸n morfol贸gica, historia taxon贸mica, h谩bitat, comportamiento, dieta, reproducci贸n, veneno y conservaci贸n

    Adaptaci贸n a una dieta artificial para un grupo de Greckos Leopardo Eublepharis macularius en cautiverio

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    Tesis (Maestr铆a en Cienias con Especialidad en Manejo de Vida Silvestre) UANLUANLhttp://www.uanl.mx

    Listado preliminar de la fauna silvestre del estado de Nuevo Le贸n, M茅xico

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